NEC MobilePro 900 - nelze připojit k PC

Mobilní telefony, PDA a MDA zařízení.

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NEC MobilePro 900 - nelze připojit k PC

Příspěvek od Thellwin »

Kamarád si koupil tenhle přístroj a nedaří se mu zprovoznit připojení k PC. Původnímu majiteli prý fungovalo připojení bez problémů, před prodejem jen uvedl zařízení do továrního nastavení. Při připojování to napíše píše "Connecting to host" a pak vyskočí chybová tabulka


Zkoušeny různé drivery, PC se tváří, že jsou nainstalované, kabelem to není, vyzkoušeny čtyři a také asi čtyři PC, zkoušeno na OS WinXP a Win98.

Neví někdo co s tím ?
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Re: NEC MobilePro 900 - nelze připojit k PC

Příspěvek od Karlos.s »

Něco z googlu:

After connecting the handheld PC to the desktop PC, and starting the Get Connected Wizard by using ActiveSync, the COM ports are polled. The handheld PC polls the ports 6 times. After the sixth attempt to connect the device, the “Error 678” message displays on the handheld PC.
On the desktop, the Connection Wizard reports all the ports polled by ActiveSync and the status of each port. After the Connection Wizard completes the poll report, the device fails, and the “Error 678” message displays.
Error 678 is caused by a timing issue when both the handheld and the desktop try to send a message to connect at the same time. By following the resolutions below, you should be able to bypass this error and start exchanging information between the device and the PC. Once the device has established a partnership, you should not have to follow these steps again.
NOTE: Follow any one of the solutions below.

Solution #1
1. Connect the handheld PC to the desktop PC.
2. Start ActiveSync from the computer desktop.
3. Allow ActiveSync on the desktop to go through the port polling process.
4. When ActiveSync fails to connect on the desktop, click the Next button to start the port poll process again. The handheld PC will report that it is still attempting to connect to the desktop.
5. If the device does not connect and the error message is displayed on the device again, close the error message, restart the ActiveSync Connection Wizard, and then repeat steps three and four until the connection is successful.

Solution #2
1. Start Microsoft Active Sync on the desktop computer at the "Get Connected" window.
2. With the handheld disconnected from the cable, soft reset the device by pushing the red reset button next to the letter "Q" with your stylus.
3. Now click Next on the desktop PC to get connected, and at the same time plug the sync cable into the handheld.
4. If the device does not connect and the error message is displayed on the device again, close the error message, restart the ActiveSync Connection Wizard, and then repeat steps two and three until the connection is successful.

Solution #3
1. On the desktop computer, open Microsoft Active Sync and select File , then Get Connected . (Do not select anything else yet.)
2. On the handheld, click Start , then Programs , then Communications . (Do not select anything else yet.)
3. At the same time, click PCLINK on the handheld, at the same time that you click Next on the desktop to get connected.
4. If the device does not connect and the error message is displayed on the device again, close the error message, restart the ActiveSync Connection Wizard, then repeat steps one through three until the connection is successful.

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Vodník: 2xLaiing D5 Vario (Swiftech+Alphacool) + EK serial Dualtop + Radiator Extreme III (360) + 3x Noctua NS-F12-800
Alphacool 280 + 2x140 Be Quiet , EK Supremacy, FullCover EK SeaHawk, MIPS RAM Freezer3, Res z Ali

PC: Intel Core i5 3570K 3,4GHz | ASUS P8Z77-V Pro | Crucial Ballistix Sport 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1600 CL9 | ASUS GTX660 DirectCU2 OC 2GB |SSD Intel 520series 180GB + Kingston V+ 96GB + WD2500KS | LITE-ON DVD-RW LH20A1L SATA | CHIEFTEC MA01BL bigtower + Enermax MODU82+ 525W | Microsoft Sidewinder X6 + X8 + SAITEK Aviator | ViewSonic VP191s
Zvuk: ASUS XONAR Essence ST | M-Audio Studiophile BX5 | Sennheiser PC360
Vodník: 2xLaiing D5 Vario (Swiftech+Alphacool) + EK serial Dualtop + Radiator Extreme III (3x120) + 3x Noctua NS-F12-800, EK Supremacy, MIPS RAM Freezer3, HDD homemade Cu blok, EK RES 400 rev2

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