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Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: stř 30. zář 2020, 15:32
od djstudio


Airports added :
LEMG - Málaga Airport
LFLC - Clermont-Ferrand Auvergne
PAFR – Bryant Army Airfield Heliport

Airports improvements :
60 airports improvements based on community feedbacks
Control towers added on 700+ US airports

Sensitivity screen is now displayed correctly
The Manual cache management UI has been improved
ATC Options should now correctly be saved
Liveries selection menu should now work as expected
The music can now be deactivated before or during the initial download on startup

The collision problems at negative altitudes have been fixed
Braking power on ground has been tweaked to reflect more realistic braking distances
Fuel consumption updating mass problem has fixed for some airplanes
Aircraft gyroscopic stability can now be set in our SDK tool set

Incorrect energy formulas resulting in inaccurate autopilot behavior have been fixed
Autopilot overshooting altitude capture during descent has been fixed
Allow to up to 8500fpm max climb speed after the new AP is now more accurately respecting 6000fpm

Visuals and animation
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner: wing flex has been improved
Beechcraft King Air 350i: rudder pedals animation is now correct
Cessna 152 : fixed a graphic glitch when switching between cockpit and external views
Airbus A320neo : fixed issues related to copilot AP button lights

General aviation systems
Cessna 172 Skyhawk: fixed impossible connection with ATC when BUS 1 is ON and bus 2 is off
Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX: fixed PFD and MFD button issues between pilot and copilot sides
Robin DR400/100 Cadet: can now request ground services to the ATC
Cessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000): fixed checklist camera issues during the "After starting engine" procedure
Cessna 152 and 152 Aerobat: fixed pitot heat not working
Cessna 152 and 152 Aerobat: fixed copilot not setting master switch ON during starting engine checklist procedure
Daher TBM 930: fixed fuel tank incorrect tooltip

General aviation avionics
Garmin avionics : fixed issues with auto switch from NAV to LOC in approach
Garmin avionics : Fixed wrong country codes
G1000 : performance improvements when displaying the nearest airport page
G3000 : it is now possible to active approach legs
Cessna 172 Skyhawk (G1000): fixed automatic change from GPS to VOR 1 when a flight plan or approach loaded
Cessna 172 Skyhawk: fixed crash when deleting direct-to flight plan
Cessna 208 B Grand Caravan EX: fixed default state of avionics Sby & avionic bus guarded switches when starting cold and dark
Cessna Citation CJ4: Upper menu and ENG buttons are no longer INOP

Airliners systems
Airbus A320neo Fix APU Fuel Flow shutting down left engine
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner/ Airbus A320neo Fixed lack of elevator authority with FBW at low speeds
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner: fixed APU fault light behavior
Airbus A320neo : fixed max thrust display
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner: altitude target can no longer be set to negative values
Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental: fixed wrong approach VREF speeds

Airliners avionics
Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner HUD colors and layout improvements
Airbus A320neo : fixed missing runway in the MCDU perf page
Airbus A320neo : improved disappearance of legs too early when following a flight plan
Airbus A320neo : STARs are filtered to display the ones connected to the selected runway in the
Airbus A320neo : "Invalid entry" has been replaced by "Not allowed" message in MCDU
Airbus A320neo : Flaps "F" indication replaced by "FULL" when flaps completely deployed

The wind gradient when getting close to the ground on live weather has been fixed
Lightning have been added when applicable

Average rating has been fine-tuned for more accuracy
3rd party filter is now sorted alphabetically
Improved notification system for content bought outside the marketplace existing in the Community folder

The community content is now clearly identified in the content manager
The content manager button in the Marketplace will redirect to the corresponding add-on content

The title’s audio is properly muted when the window is out of focus
Graphic settings UI during onboarding has been fixed
Apply and Save pop up now displays only once during the Graphic Settings in the Onboarding

Various typo fixes in multiple languages
Fixed visual glitch happening in camera cuts
Fixed wrong LOD selection when a camera cut happens
Camera reset function does not revert Cam speed/ momentum to default values anymore

CH Eclipse default preset has been added
Track IR can now be enabled or disabled in the camera panel
Track IR is now disabled when on the pause menu
Improved support for Logitech Multi panel

Back on track should no longer show the wrong airport

Ocean rendering has been improved (waves scale, foam and reflections)
Water mask has been edited to display actual aerial image near the shore in some areas
Luminance has been tweaked for some photogrammetry cities (Napoli, Darwin, San Gorgonio, Las Vegas)
Fixed terraforming issue which was causing issues in KTEX airport
Water elevation has been updated to improve rivers (Missouri River and around Toronto for example) and lakes (center of Canada)
Fixed detail map rendering around runway/taxiway borders

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: pon 19. říj 2020, 18:25
od djstudio
Tak ještě mně MSFL2020 neomrzel.


Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: pon 19. říj 2020, 21:16

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: čtv 3. pro 2020, 03:34
od ŠakaL
To vypada velmi slusne uz v defaultu,vzpominam jak se modilo fsx a p3d to bylo do zblbnuti.rvete do toho nekdo placeny mody? s takovym orbx to musej bejt vizualni orgie.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: sob 5. pro 2020, 01:39
od ŠakaL
Aha takze myslim ze neni kam spechat zatim je ve hre par "Cessen" jeden Airbus a 747-8. Z placenejch addonu je hotovejch par letist a letadla zadny.Dneska sem nekde cet ze pmdg bude delat jeden Boeing 11 mesicu. Dulezity bude co udelaj s performance protoze jak sem koukal tak to laguje uplne na vsem.Neni problem hrat s niszima fps ale zatim sem nevidel video kde by se to nelagovalo.V tech starsich simech tohle odstranoval fps lock tady zda se nic..v pripade teda tech narocnejsich scenerii.A prijde mi ze to nikdo ani moc nehraje a fajnsmekri co maj namodovany p3dv4/5 nebo xplane asi taky vyckaj.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: sob 20. úno 2021, 15:26
od H2SO4
Ty co to hrajou,opravdu tam neni ani jedna helikoptera?

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: sob 27. úno 2021, 08:47
od djstudio
Ne zatím tam není. Jen dvě stíhačky např. Eurofighter Typhoon. Plus další letadla ale ty se musí platit extra.
Do hry jako takové letadla nepřidaly žádné. hodně letišt tam je možnost dokoupit který jsou detailně předělány. Já chtěl aby od MS tam naké letadla dali ale vše je od nezavislych vyvojaru ktery pres MARKETPLACES platis a instalujes.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: úte 9. bře 2021, 17:52
od djstudio

Zase pár oprav.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: čtv 19. srp 2021, 07:44
od djstudio
Po posledním velkém updatu se hra posunula o dost dále. Perfektní scenerie Bora Bora , Egypt , Nepál atd. Změněny textuty tak už i více FPS. Přidáno i pár nových letadel. Rychlejší načítání. Hodně se to posunulo. Ve 4K už se dá hrát na RX 6800XT v Ultra detailech nad 40FPS pokud zrovna nejste nad New Yorkem.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: čtv 21. říj 2021, 18:51
od Skogamandry
MS Flight Simulator GOTY přijde v listopadu i jako aktualizace zdarma ... arma/56207

Aktuálne 20% zľava na Steame ... Simulator/

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020

Napsal: pon 30. zář 2024, 17:08
Uz se blizi nastupce MS 2024