Stránka 11 z 152

Napsal: úte 15. dub 2008, 22:55
od flanker
nebylo by od veci ukazat, jak lze nalozit s Dual Sempronem, bezicim na 1800MHz... ... p?t=184535

Napsal: stř 16. dub 2008, 08:51
od fobos
wow, tak to teda cumim :o

Napsal: stř 16. dub 2008, 23:03
od socket
3700+ 939 pri takych voltoch moze pracovat az na 3.4-3.6GHz :wink:
samozrejme iba vyberove CPU :wink:

Napsal: stř 16. dub 2008, 23:32
od flanker
ale zas na dual nejlevnejsi CPU je to pekny :)

Napsal: čtv 17. dub 2008, 12:37
od Mr. Dirk
No tak s "Chilled watercooling"...

A navíc na XS se jim do ruk obvykle dostane lepší kousek než je běžně v prodeji. :roll:

Napsal: pát 18. dub 2008, 19:15
od Palec123
socket píše:3700+ 939 pri takych voltoch moze pracovat az na 3.4-3.6GHz :wink:
samozrejme iba vyberove CPU :wink:
No tak to zase brzdi :wink:

Ja myslim ze je to velice slusny vysledek, ktery ukazuje ze to neni jen Intel co jde dnes pretaktovat..

Napsal: pát 18. dub 2008, 19:26
od racz
Palec123 píše:
socket píše:3700+ 939 pri takych voltoch moze pracovat az na 3.4-3.6GHz :wink:
samozrejme iba vyberove CPU :wink:
No tak to zase brzdi :wink:

Ja myslim ze je to velice slusny vysledek, ktery ukazuje ze to neni jen Intel co jde dnes pretaktovat..
preco? niektore 3700+ boli aj toleda a tie urcite niesu nerealne na take takty...
"samozrejme iba vyberove CPU"

Napsal: sob 19. dub 2008, 14:28
od Weslo
nevím jestli to tady už někde nebylo takže to kdyžtak smažte...
AMD 45nm processor reaches 3GHz in the lab -

Napsal: ned 20. dub 2008, 22:39
od flanker
AMD planuje take 6-jadra a 12-tijadro!

Budou zalozena na architekture K10.5, s kodovym oznacenim Istanbull. 6-jadra bz se mela objevit snad jeste letos a 12-tijadro az v roce 2009. Nutno jeste pototknout, ze budou podporovat tzv quad-channel!!! Pro srovanni, soucasne CPU pouzivaji dualchannel, Nehalem v nejvyssim modelu bude mit podporu tri-channel.

Napsal: pon 21. dub 2008, 04:38
od fobos
to znie pekne, ale co si budeme nahovarat, AMD uz naslubovalo hory doly a ...

Napsal: pon 21. dub 2008, 08:16
od Mossad
nicmene kdyby nebyl v phenomu bug tak meli nativni 4jadra zrovna jako nativni dual core drive jak intel , kterej to proste lepi... takze o amd bych moc nespekuloval, byl bych rad, ze je konkurence intelu inovativni nikoli pouze stin velkeho "obra"...

Napsal: pon 21. dub 2008, 19:11
od Nism0

Napsal: ned 27. dub 2008, 10:06
od flanker
Nejaka infa ohledne AMD procesoru: ... ozessoren/

Ve zkratce se jedna asi o toto:

AMD planuje uvest v budoucnu celou radu uspornych procesoru. Bude to nejen v segmentu 2-jader a 4-jader, ale take usporna 3-jadra. U dvoujader se jedna o brisnabe jadra s 45W TDP, kde modely 4050, 4450 a 4850 vystridaji BE verze postupne. Objevi se 4-jadro Phenom X4 9350 s TDP pouze 65W a taktu 2GHz. Nejspis diky tomuto CPU se pozdrzuje i model 9150 a budou vydany soucasne nekde k pocatku Q2. Ve 4Q se objevi vyse taktovane trijadro /z jinych zdroju by to mel byt X3 8850 na 2.5-2.6GHz/. AMD hodla v tomto trendu pokracovat i nasledujici rok 2009. A to hnedka osekanymi 4-jadry tridy Propus, ktere maji mit max TDP 65W a takty 2.3-2.6GHz. U jadra Propus se pocita i s45W TDP variantami, coz je na 4-jadro uctyhodne!

Jako dalsi novinka ze stejneho webu je informace o novem dvoujadre, bohuzel stale rady K8. Objevi se nahrada soucasneho X2 6000+ zalozenem na jadre Windsor, tentokrat to bude jadro Brisbane a oznaceni X2 6000+, ovsem takt 3.1GHz! TDP by melo byt kazdopadne nizsi nez u jader WIndsor, odhaduju to na TDP kolem 90W a k dostani by meli byt az behem prazdnin.

PS: a kde jsou K10 dvoujadra Kuma? :evil:

Napsal: úte 6. kvě 2008, 21:48
od flanker

Napsal: stř 7. kvě 2008, 22:26
od flanker
nove informace ohledne serverovych procesoru amd, cituji:
Twelve cores and a new socket

By Charlie Demerjian: Wednesday, 07 May 2008, 7:30 PM

AMD HAS RESHUFFLED its roadmap and inserted a new product line in the middle. The new chips are six-core variants of Shangahi.

You all know about Barcelona, and it is followed up by Shanghai, the 45nm shrink in Q4. It brings a 6M L3 and cHT-3 to the table with a bunch of minor tweaks. The official line is a 20 per cent clock-for-clock speed improvement over Barcelona. In the same timeline, Montreal, the eight-core two-die part has shuffled off this mortal coil.

The new stuff starts a year later with Istanbul, a six-core version of Shanghai. There is nothing more to say about this one, same old same old +two cores. This was not on the roadmap a few months ago, so consider this a stopgap part.

From new we go to really new, and that is Sao Paolo, a tweaked Istanbul in 2010. The gross characteristics are the same, six-cores, 6MB L3, Barcelona-esque core, but the new stuff starts with a new socket, socket G34. From there, the cores have three new bullet points, HTC, Probe Filter and APML. Basically, this is an uncore refresh.

HTC is a new method of power control through clocking, probably very similar to what Intel does with Penryn, both under and overclocking on demand. Probe Filter is a way to lessen cache coherency traffic and speed things up for multi-socket configurations. Intel has been doing variants of this since the standout Blackford chipset, and AMD has sorely needed it. APML is more management, much akin to the hardware side of Vpro, something large enterprises get all week-kneed over.

The new socket brings two things into the mix, DDR-3 and a fourth cHT-3 link. Both are welcome and quite a bit overdue. More interesting is that both Nvidia and Broadcom are no longer on the chipset roadmap. Neither were highly regarded, and the best that could be said from either is that they were tolerated. AMD now steps up with the new ATI 8xx series chipsets which we told you about a few months ago.

There are two northbridges, the 890S and the 870S both listed as being w/IOMMU. The southbridge for both is the SB700S, not sure what the S brings to the table other than 'server' qualities, but the difference between the SB700 and imminent SB750 is basically RAID5.

It looks like AMD is going to take the the quite successful consumer SB750 and 'serverize' it. You could do a lot worse than this part, and don't expect any earth-shattering revelations here. The only one of those is NV and Broadcom leaving the market, and few tears will be shed there. I have seen this part running now, so assume there will be variants on the market long before the 2010 date.

The most interesting part is the 12-core Magny-Cours CPU. It is two Sao Paolos on an MCM. AMD isn't saying much about the configuration other than it is two dies. It doesn't take a genius to realize that they will internally wire them over HT, but the real question is whether or not they pull out all of the memory lanes. Given that Nehalem will have 6 DDR-3 channels in a few months, AMD will almost have to to remain competitive.

The last tidbit is the GT3 memory expander/BoB/microbuffer technology that AMD touted for the next gen parts seems to have gone on vacation to Montreal. Expect plain vanilla DDR-3 to stand in for it, and with MetaRAM, that should be more than good enough. µ

Both twelve core Magny-Cours and six core Sao Paolo will use socket G34 and this socket and Maranello platform can accommodate DDR3.

The twelve core Magny-Cours is a multi chip module also known by its MCM abbreviation. This mean you will have two six cores on a same chip and it should look very much like Kentsfiend and Yorkfield, just much bigger.

The 12 core CPU at 45nm will have to be quiet big and both new six and twelve cores are scheduled for first half of 2010 and we just hope that this includes a real availability at the same time.

aktuální roadmapa je uvedena níže pro serverové procesory:

dale se mluvi o desktopovem procesoru kodoveho znaceni Suzuka, ktery by se mel objevit cca za rok, pokud vse pujde dle planu. Vyraben bude 45nm procesem a s plnou podporou DDR3 pameti jako prvni procesor AMD. Osazovan do socketu AM3 a vyuzivajici NB RS780 a SB SB700S. Samozrejme bude planovan i do serveru pod jmenem spanelskeho mesta Catalunya.

AMD Shangai by se mel dodavat do serveru jiz za par mesicu, plna vyroba se rozjede az v 4Q 2008. Specifikace jsou jiz snad vsem zname, ve zkratce: 512Kb L2 cache na jadro, 6MB L3 cache, HT3.0, 45nm vyrobni proces, cca o 20% vyssi vykon takt na takt vzhledem k Barcelone.

A jeste neco malo k Istanbulu, vetsina je zrejma z roadmapy :)..:
The new six core CPU will have 6MB L3 cache and DDR2 support, powered by HT-3 and AMD Virtualisation support. Of course this CPU will be developed in 45nm and it looks just like Shanghai 45nm CPU but with two additional cores.

Istanbul fits in the current socket F1 (1207) and it will be available for 2P and above configurations: OEM’s shouldn’t have much trouble to make it work in existing servers.

In 2009 AMD’s chipset of choice for the server market is Nvidia Nforce 3600/3050 with Broadcom HT-2100/1000 while that will change in 2010 for AMD’s own chipset. I would be scared if I was Nvidia’s chipset manager as they lost a lot of AMD market and you can bet that it will be even worse for Intel chipsets.

A dalsi novinka ohledne desktopu:
-procesor, co se nam objevi behem 2Q/3Q roku 2009. ... ro-nehalem

odkazy prevazne drbarna:
/editovano z duvodu privalu novinek

Napsal: ned 11. kvě 2008, 22:48
od flanker
Phenom X4 9750 s TDP pouze 95W! Dobra prace AMD...jen tak dal ... dp_handel/

A neco ohledne budouci notebookove platformy: ... plattform/

Napsal: pon 12. kvě 2008, 10:23
od izerS18
35 AMD procesorů v testu spotřeby na Tomovi... ... ,1925.html

Napsal: pon 12. kvě 2008, 18:16
od flanker

Napsal: sob 24. kvě 2008, 13:46
od flanker
A kveten bude ve znameni prebalu od AMD





Napsal: stř 25. čer 2008, 21:51
od flanker

spotreba uspornyhc platforem pri srovnani