-HoNY- píše:Ano, ale to jsem psal jak tady, tak v recenzi.
-HoNY- DIK za tvou praci a atd...,bez dalši tvé pomoci pravděpododně umřu blbejjjjj-- AHOJ
Moderátoři: morke, Igoreso, Loki5567
-HoNY- píše:Ano, ale to jsem psal jak tady, tak v recenzi.
Kód: Vybrat vše
The second issue is the overly aggressive garbage collection. Sequential performance on the V+100 just doesn't change regardless of how much fragmentation you throw at the drive. The drive is quick to clean and keeps performance high as long as it has the free space to do so. This is great for delivering consistent performance, however it doesn't come for free. I am curious to see how the aggressive garbage collection impacts drive lifespan. Kingston ships the V+100 with a 3-year warranty and to Kingston's credit I haven't had any other drives die as a result of wearing out the NAND. Even if the V+100 has higher effective write amplification than the competition, your usage model will determine whether or not you bump into it.
Přepnout SATA do IDE emulace (Legacy), tím TRIM přestane fungovat zcela určitě.durod píše:disk pouziva nejakou obdobu TRIMU, ktera je dle recenzi "lehce" agresivni (skracuje zivotnost) ...jde to nejak vypnout a pouzivat rucne Intel SSD Toolbox?