karf píše:radekhulan píše:ATI X1800XL se dá do Crossfire kombinovat jen a pouze s X1800XT Crossfire Master Card, což znamená značné náklady navíc. NVIDIA umí vždy kombinovat stejně drahé/levné karty. Je to výhoda NVIDIA? Jistě!
jde kombinovat x1300 x1600 series - ne cf edition takže nepotřebují master.
u nv je to výhra. jak se píše na stránkách nv, tak při použití 7800GTX a 7800GT přijdeš o pipky a takt. to je výhra.
Jak "přijdeš o pipky a takt"? To platí proboha v případě, že k X1800XT CrossFire použiješ X1800XL, potom bude ATI taktována na úrovni té horší karty.
V případě NVIDIA, když si k 7800GT koupíš druhou 7800GT, obě pojedou naplno.
Pokud o tom nic nevíš, prosím nic sem nepiš.
S touto diskusí končím, inteligentnímu člověkovi je tu již jasné, v čem je NVIDIA SLI koncepčně lepší (viz výše), a se zbytkem nenám důvod ztrácet čas.
// edit - proč je ATI horší podle vlastníka X1800XL (který má na rozdíl od teenagerů zde MOZEK), a proč si přeje, aby měl 7800GT (říká vlastně to samé, co já zde):
"Don't go buying a Radeon X1800 XL card, however, expecting to add a Radeon X1800 CrossFire card later if you care at all about value. Dropping a $599 CrossFire card into your system and lopping off half of its RAM and much of its performance potential isn't the brightest of moves. That solution sacrificies too much, in my view. You can get a dual-graphics solution involving a Radeon X1800 XL, but it's far from optimal."
Too late.
Any holders of a x1800XL just feel a giant gnarled stick go up their arse?
I've been a strong backer of ATi from the 8500 series, even while they were getting their teeth knocked out. Even now I payed a extra 50 dollars for a card that has very similar performance to a 7800GT (in a few cases less then). THERE SHOULD BE a master card for a x1800XL. I'm not paying 600 dollars for a card that adds a quarter to my performance but costs two times as much as my orignal card.
I'm starting to wish I had just switched it up and bought a 7800GT or atleast a x1600XT. I would've dealt with the performance knowing that there was light at the end of the tunnel (or atleast props for duelies).
Requiring a limited-function low-volume ( thus ALWAYS highly-expensive ) "master" card to enable the high-end versions of Crossfire is a bag-on-the-side idea-bereft answer to nVidia SLI and poor market-penetration is a very likely result.
Until ATi integrates Crossfire functionality into ALL of its new GPU silicon, a la nVidia, dispenses with "master" boards and replaces the dongle with a SLI-style bridge, the REAL Crossfire has not arrived and any current purchasers of Crossfire are being taken for a horribly-expensive 'early-adopter' ride.
Transitioning in and out of CrossFire mode will be a little more inconvenient, too, since the system must be rebooted in order for the CrossFire card to deactivate half of its RAM.
their solution is awful.
i can pair a couple of 6600GTs or 6800 GSs or whatever I feel like if i want to get a boost to my performance, and maybe run more than 2 monitors at other times.
for ati, to even consider using their multi GPU solution, I have to plunk down 800 dollars on a master card that won't be used to its full potential unless I pair it with a 600 dollar card, and a questionable motherboard.
i can't see why anyone would buy this unless they were just rabid fans of ati.
Dual 7800 GT's don't look to be that far behind the Crossfire setups, and a pair of 7800GT's these days would run about the same price as the single master card.
Jinak řečeno, lidi v zahraničí, co mají MOZEK, i když to jsou ATI fanatici, chápou že Crossfire je naprostý odpad.