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So if you using Radeons as VGA card, try to change the configuration into standard, or just click reset icon on CCC.
Moderátor: Loki5567
Kód: Vybrat vše
So if you using Radeons as VGA card, try to change the configuration into standard, or just click reset icon on CCC.
The goal behind Game Mode is consistency, rather than flat performance boosts (although it will bring some of that too). Game Mode will prevent system tasks from stealing resources from your games, making frame rates and performance generally more consistent.
...Game Mode will dynamically disable itself when you minimize or set your game into the background, giving your system full access to your hardware while you begin multi-tasking.
ZdrojAs an example, I asked if Game Mode would be able to support an activity like streaming. Would it intelligently balance the performance of my game without sacrificing the performance of OBS?
"That's something we should probably save for longer-term roadmap discussion, but yeah, there are scenarios like you talked about where we want to be very thoughtful about what else is running in the background," Gammill said. "That's certainly top of mind."
jo, technicky lze ledacos, i s crackem jde aktivovat normálně - pak nemá smysl za to vůbec platit ale to jsme trochu jinde.Leon_ píše:legálne to nieje, ale win s tym aktivujes normálne
souhlasím, ale o to tady nejderacecar píše:platit 100+ len tak za ten nedorobok by sa mi teda nechcelo.