Skvělý test levných PSU zde: http://www.jonnyguru.com/modules.php?name=...p=Story&reid=71
Sapphire "Grouper" A9RX480 boardy odcházející s Teapo kondíky recenzentům pod rukama:
"During our stability test of the overclocked system... ...suddenly shut down. The verdict was: mainboard death. ...mainboard died because of the failed capacitor in the CPU voltage regulator unit. ...nothing could help our poor CPU at that point."
"...me share one more experience that I had with this board... It died. I can only hope that the death of my board was a fluke." Ne, nebyla to "fluke", byly to Teapo kondíky...
Klářino PC (Morphyho kámoška), Eurocase zdroj - Hec kondíky:

Hoří, hoří, má panenko!