Napsal: pát 19. dub 2013, 10:21 ... s-May.html ... fgetaucht/

Initially, ASUS plans to launch 120 GB and 240 GB models. The 120 GB model offers sequential transfer rates of up to 765 MB/s reads with 775 MB/s writes; while the 240 GB one offers up to 830 MB/s reads, with up to 810 MB/s writes. Both drives sport a swanky EMI shield, which frankly looks more aesthetic than functional; and a backplate. ASUS will include a license to Kaspersky Antivirus 2013. It will also include software that lets you tweak the SSD to manually increase performance. Pricing information is not at hand, but we expect about $1.30-1.40/GB pricing on the 120 GB variant, and $1.10-1.20/GB on the 240 GB one.

OCZ Revodrive je sice o něco vymazlenější, ale stojí zas 7000Kč. ... CI-Express
Čili cena by pak reálně byla kolem 3250Kč-3500Kč za 120GB ROG Raidr? To by na PCIe SSD šlo! Má smysl o tom uvažovat? Mám 90GB SATA Corsair Force GT. ... fgetaucht/

Initially, ASUS plans to launch 120 GB and 240 GB models. The 120 GB model offers sequential transfer rates of up to 765 MB/s reads with 775 MB/s writes; while the 240 GB one offers up to 830 MB/s reads, with up to 810 MB/s writes. Both drives sport a swanky EMI shield, which frankly looks more aesthetic than functional; and a backplate. ASUS will include a license to Kaspersky Antivirus 2013. It will also include software that lets you tweak the SSD to manually increase performance. Pricing information is not at hand, but we expect about $1.30-1.40/GB pricing on the 120 GB variant, and $1.10-1.20/GB on the 240 GB one.

OCZ Revodrive je sice o něco vymazlenější, ale stojí zas 7000Kč. ... CI-Express
Čili cena by pak reálně byla kolem 3250Kč-3500Kč za 120GB ROG Raidr? To by na PCIe SSD šlo! Má smysl o tom uvažovat? Mám 90GB SATA Corsair Force GT.