MSI K8N s nForce4 - problemy pri OC

Pro procesory AMD Athlon 64, Athlon 64 X2, Athlon FX, Opteron, Sempron a další.

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Registrován: 08. úno 2005
Bydliště: Praha

MSI K8N s nForce4 - problemy pri OC

Příspěvek od kail »

kedze asi viacero ludi planuje kupovat takuto kombinaciu, tak napisem (nielen) moje problemy.

zaobstaral som si zostavu :
MSI K8N SLI Platinum
AMD64 3000+ s939
2x Kingmax DIMM 256MB DDR 433MHz CL2.5
(za RAMky ma pls nezvozte, penazi nebolo vela :oops:)

Najprv som ju nechal zabehnut na default a potom, ze skusim kolko to zvladne. Zacal som zvysovat FSB a po 219MHz to islo v pohode (HT 4x, FSB:RAM - 1:1), Prime som nechal bezat aj 8,5 hodiny - bez problemov. No viac uz v BIOSe nastavit neslo. Akonahle som dal 220 MHz, nenabehol ani POST. Skusal som zvysovat napatie, pouzit delicku na RAMky, HT ... nepomohlo nic. :cry:

Zabrowsoval som po nete a na jednom fore som sa docital, ze niektore tieto dosky od MSI maju super featuru, ze startuju so standardnym napatim pre CPU a zvysuju ho zrejme az potom. Na tom fore, to chlapik meral a nakoniec vyriesil vcelku drsne, ked pripojil na dosku jeden odpor, nieco s niecim spojil a zvysil napatie z 1.4V na 1.54V (tusim ... uz si to moc nepamatam a nechce sa mi to hladat).

Skusal som teda potom pretaktovavat vo Win cez ClockGen ... 220MHz pohoda, teraz mam 225, viac som zatial neskusal. Chcem sa teda spytat, ci sa s tymto nestretol este niekto, pripadne ci nemate nejake dalsie info (napr. ci by sa toto dalo vyriesit novsim BIOSom (ak ho vydaju ;))) ako by sa to dalo riesit (predsalen sa mi to cez ClockGen nepaci ;)) ... dik za akekolvek postrehy.
Registrován: 08. bře 2005

Příspěvek od Olda79 »

Mam cerstve tu samou desku, akorat A64 3200+. Hral jsem si s taktovanim jen trochu vcera. Mel jsem podobnej problem, pri 230FSB to nenabihalo, ale pak to najednou preslo. Myslim ze to bylo funkci Cool'n'Quite, ale nejsem jistej, jeste to overim. Dostal jsem se nakonec se zakladnim napeti na 10x240, na 250 to nenabihalo. Dneska zkusim zvysit napeti a snad to da 10x250. Pak uz jen snizit casovani RAMky a trochu poskadlit grafiku a budu spokojenej :).

Mel jsem ovsem jinej problem, najednou prestala fungovat mys. Je to USB mys, ale pres redukci byla v PS/2. Prendal jsem ji do USB a ted facha dobre, nemel jsem cas se tim vic zabyvat, takze tezko rict.
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Registrován: 08. úno 2005
Bydliště: Praha

Příspěvek od kail »

V mojom pripade to CnQ urcite nebude, lebo som ho mal stale vypnute :wink: ... no co, zrejme som trafil blby kus (to by ma tak zaujimalo, ci by sa to dalo vyreklamovat :twisted: ... svojim sposobom je to chybna doska ... )
Registrován: 23. úno 2005

Příspěvek od martinricky »

stema deskama jsou jenom problemy mam ji taky a vsecko nejde tak jak ma,ale pretaktoval sem svojeho athlona z 1.8 na 2.3 bez z vyseni napeti
Registrován: 08. bře 2005

Příspěvek od Olda79 »

Tak u me to byl problem v pametech. I kdyz mam dual kit na 500DDR, tak se s nima muzu pohybat jen okolo frekvenci klasickych 400DDR. Nakonec to mam 10x260MHz CPU (pri defaultnim napeti!!!) a RAM snizenou na 166MHz, cili bezi na 216MHz(x2). Problem je podle me spis v radici v procesoru. K tomu MSI6600GT@(560/1140), mi dava v 3DMarku03 9201 bodu. Takze asi misto tech pameti co mam (500DDR) asi jen 400DDR s nizkou latenci, ja mam latenci takovej prumer.
Registrován: 08. bře 2005

Příspěvek od Olda79 »

Takze z toho mam vlastne Athlona 64 4200+ 8) . SSE3 me nijak drasat nemusi, a tech 512KB cache navic za ty prachy, kolik bude 4200+ stat, to urcite nestoji :twisted:.
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Registrován: 08. úno 2005
Bydliště: Praha

Příspěvek od kail »

... tak u mna to tym napatim nakoniec tiez nebude ... cez ClockGen pri standardnom 1.4V (podla CPU-Z 1.378) 230 FSB (RAM na 460 - som celkom prekvapeny :wink: ) prime 6,5 hod. v pohode ... tak tomu nerozumiem :?

V com moze byt rozdiel, ked to pretaktujem v BIOSe tak nenabehne nic a ked to taktnem vo Win, tak to bezi ? Robi ten ClockGen nieco ine ? ... ja to nechapem ... :angry2:
Registrován: 08. bře 2005

Příspěvek od Olda79 »

Zkus jeste memtest, jestli ti nehodi nejaky errory. Jak jsem psal, tak u me to byly pameti, kdyz jsem dal delicku a pohral si s casovanim, tak slo CPU pretaktovat jako po masle. Jen by me zajimalo, proc nejdou pretaktovat, je to 500Dual Kit. A to ani se spatnym casovanim, fakt nevim :(. S CPU jsem se dostal pri 1.4V az na 2.7GHz, pri 2.8GHz to zamrzalo.
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Registrován: 08. úno 2005
Bydliště: Praha

Příspěvek od kail »

zkusil som dat pamate na 166 i 180 - ee
zkusil som novy bios (3.1) - ee
cez ClockGen - @250X9=2250, RAM @ 450 vsetko pri standardnom napati Obrázek
... asi to budem taktit len na hry ... vo Winoch sa to aj tak moc nepozna :(
Registrován: 26. pro 2004
Bydliště: Reichenberg @ Liberec
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Příspěvek od Mossad »

asi stejnej problem, 229fsb a hotovo :), nepomuze ani svecena voda, co jsem zkousel sem psal do threadu v AMD64 3000, ale v kostce, nepomohlo zvyseni napeti, snizeni HT a multiplikatoru, pameti jedu na 166Mhz, ani 0.1v v cipsetu pripadne ram nepomohlo... tagze nejake napady?

..PC::Asus P8Z77-I Dx :: G2130 :: 8GB :: WD 0.32TB :: WD 1TB :: Intel HD :: Eizo 2333BK ::
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Gygabite - ©Hlupak
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Registrován: 08. úno 2005
Bydliště: Praha

Příspěvek od kail »

... no nejako nikto nevie pomoct ? :( ... v tomto fore : ... 1/178.html
... sa tomu celkom venuju ... ale jedine 'riesenie' je skusanie roznych nastaveni HT ... skusil som aj to a nepomohlo ... vtip je asi v tom, ze doska je OK, procak je OK, ale dohromady je to fok :sad:
Registrován: 22. pro 2004

Příspěvek od alanc »

no uz som sa zlakol ze som v tom sam. u mna je konecna 222. ,pricom221 je uplna pohoda,ale akonahe dam fsb 222,nenabehne ani comp.,tiez som skusal clockgen a tam som sa dostal do pohody s 240 !!!to by ma fakt zaujmalo cim to je?
Odborník PCT
Odborník PCT
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Příspěvek od Shit »

Co nový BIOS?
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Registrován: 20. kvě 2004
Bydliště: Ostrava

Příspěvek od Neonn »

Tak me Wilik poslal sem (i kdyz ja jaxi desku s nForce4 nemam :) ).
Ale ted uz ten puvodni problem ->
Porad mi neslo HT vic jak 205 (A64 2800+). Pak uz to vubec nenajelo (i na tech 205 to stalo za houby). Rikal jsem si cim to muze byt. Zmena nasobice nepomohla (i kdyz ono 1800MHz moc neni, ze Smile ). Pameti jsem taky shodil na 166MHz, SATA disk odpojil... jako posledni moznost jsem zkusil nVida nTune. A ten mi prekvapive ukazal HT 1000 (5x). A tak jsem nelenil, HT shodil (v nTune) na 4x a svete div se, ono to fungovalo (dostal jsem se na nejakych 240HT a vic asi nepustily pameti - s nima jsem si nehral).

Ale hlavni duvod proc jsem pisu je ten, ze HT nasovic na 4x pernamentne v BIOSu nastavit nemuzu, protoze pri pokusu zmenit nasobic HT komp totalne zatuhe. Proto jsem to zkousel pres nTune.

Flash BIOSu nepomohl (mam 1.5 a predtim jsem mel puvodni).

Nevite nekdo jak ten HT nasobic nastavit nadobro na 4x?
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Odborník PCT
Odborník PCT
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Registrován: 20. pro 2003
Bydliště: Hradec Králové

Příspěvek od Shit »

Neonn píše:Tak me Wilik poslal sem (i kdyz ja jaxi desku s nForce4 nemam :) ).
Ale ted uz ten puvodni problem ->
Jaká deska a sestava :? To je teda něco s NF3? ...

//EDIT: Jo, už to vidím tady (K8N Neo) , spíš bych to napsat sem :wink:

Sc.754 má v defaultu HT 4x..... zkus v BIOSu "F7" (nastavení na default, popř. vymazat CMOS - nebo to naflashovat s "parametry".....)
Flash with the following parameters for a troublefree bios update.
And reset cmos with jumper afterwards.

AWFL833D /py/sn/wb/cc/cd/cp/r

How do I flash an Award BIOS?

Flashing your motherboards BIOS a fairly straight forward procedure. The required components are the proper flashing utility and the proper data file that will be written the CMOS. To accomplish this, your first stop is the web site of your motherboard manufacturer and download the latest flashing utility and BIOS update. There are other places to download the flashing utilities, however, I recommend using the utility that comes with your latest bin file or the one recommended by your motherboard manufacturer. With some motherboards, the individual motherboard manufacturer uses their own proprietary flashing utility. Make sure you always check your motherboard manufacturer's website for any information and read the motherboard manual to find any information related to this.

Ensure your using a newer floppy disk and that your floppy drive is not causing any problems. If your floppy drive is questionable, then replace it before performing the upgrade. One bad CRC error during the flashing of the BIOS and it's toast. As for the floppy, I highly recommend using a brand new one or at least a nearly brand new one. Perform a complete format of the disk before using it to ensure no problems are found with it. I also suggest that you don't use a floppy disk that has any bad sectors or other problems with it.

Before flashing any BIOS you should prepare the system for flashing. If your computer is overclocked it is highly recommended that you set the CPU to run at the default speed. Enter the BIOS setup and disable all forms of shadowing. This includes, Video BIOS Cacheable and System BIOS Cacheable, which can be found within the Chipset Features Setup. You should also disable any power management features that are enabled. If you system has a setting within the BIOS to protect the BIOS from flashing you will need to disable this as well. Some motherboard have a jumper on them that can be set to protect the BIOS from being flashed. This needs to be disabled as well if it is present.

For Award BIOS's:

For Award BIOS's, the flashing procedure is fairly simple. It can be a little intimidating for those who are unfamiliar to the command line though. Rest assured, it's really not all that hard. After you have downloaded the latest BIOS and the flashing utility, place those files on a floppy disk. You will want to have them either on a floppy disk that is bootable or on a floppy disk separate from the boot disk. In either case, your going to need a boot disk to perform the flashing. To create a boot disk, insert a black floppy disk into the drive. If your using Windows 9x, open My Computer and right click on the A: drive. Select Format and ensure that the create system disk is checked. For Windows 2000 users, your going to need a bootable disk created elsewhere. Windows XP users can create a bootable floppy using the same method as Windows 9x users. This creates a Windows ME boot disk. Once you have a boot disk created and a copy of the flashing utility and a copy of the latest BIOS update, your ready to flash the BIOS.

Boot to the bootable floppy. Once you have booted the system to the command line ensure that the floppy disk containing the flashing utility and the BIOS update is in the drive. The next portion will vary from system to system. The flashing utility and the BIOS update image will vary so the following is a general guideline to working with the command line:


(a listing of the files located on a: drive will be displayed)A:\>awflxxx

A:\>awfl833d [bios file]

(Runs the Award flashing utility and directs it to the BIOS update file )

Follow the onscreen instructions for the flashing procedure. A word of caution at this point. DO NOT pull the plug, press the reset button or otherwise interrupt the flashing procedure once it has begun. Interruption of the flashing procedure WILL render the system unbootable!


A method of flashing an Award BIOS is to automate it. By creating a prepared bootdisk with the flashing utility and the BIOS .bin file on it, you can create a bootable disk that will flash the BIOS and perform other functions for you without having you type anything. After you have created a bootable floppy, using you favorite text editor, open the autoexec.bat file located on the floppy disk. If one is not present then just save the file once you have created it to the floppy as autoexec.bat. The following code will completely automate the flashing procedure for you:

@echo off
if exist oldbios.bin goto old
awfl833d.exe newbios.bin oldbios.bin /py /sy /cc /cp /cd /sb /r
goto end
awfl833d.exe oldbios.bin /py /sn /cc /cp /cd /sb /r

The awfl833d.exe is the name of the flashing program you are using. The newbios.bin is the name of the bios image you downloaded for you motherboard. The oldbios.bin file is the name of the bios you choose to save the old bios (your current BIOS) onto floppy as. IF your BIOS flash fails, the old BIOS is in backed up in oldbios.bin. You can just reboot with that floppy again and the process of flashing the bios to the old version is automatic. As long as the oldbios.bin is present on the floppy, it will get flashed to the BIOS. After flashing the BIOS to a newer version remember to remove the floppy from the drive. The process of flashing the BIOS is automatic, so if you leave the floppy in the drive it will flash the BIOS again.


The following are the command line switches for the Award flashing utility. You can use these in conjunction with the flashing utility to help automate the flashing procedure. For example:

AWDFLASH xxxx.BIN /py/sn/cc

Would run the flashing utility and tell the utility to perform the flash (/py), do not save the current BIOS into a backup file (/sn), and clear the CMOS after performing the flash (/cc). After flashing any BIOS, either Award, AMI, Phoenix, or any other motherboard BIOS, always clear the CMOS. The values that are current saved in the CMOS may not match the setup programs new procedures. If the BIOS update installed any new instructions or set up new values for any existing procedures, these values won't match what is expected. For this reason, you should ALWAYS clear the BIOS after flashing it and reconfigure the BIOS after clearing it.

/? - Help. Before you start working with Award Flash Memory Writer, it is advisable to use this key and to study carefully all the opportunities of this software.

/Py or /Pn - stands for answering "yes" (Y) or "no" (N) to the request concerning the BIOS reflashing. By means of /Pn you can ban FlashROM reprogramming. This option enables you to save the current version of the BIOS or to get its checksum without updating your BIOS. A backup copy will help you to restore the previous version of the BIOS. By default /Py mode is set.

/Sy or /Sn - stands for answering "yes" (Y) or "no" (N) to the request about saving the previous version of the BIOS. By default /Py mode is set again. In this case before reprogramming the FlashROM microchip you'll need to confirm saving by this request:

Do You Want To Save BIOS (Y/N)

/Sn is recommended to use for *.bat-files in case of automatic BIOS reflashing in systems without a display.

/CC - to clear CMOS after reflashing. This option comes in handy when there is a risk that the data arrays created by new BIOS version in CMOS may differ from those former ones. If so, then you are likely to have troubles with the mainboard startup. Clearing CMOS will let you avoid searching for Clear CMOS jumper on the board, which is really helpful if it isn't accompanied with a proper manual or is simply hard to access.

/CP - stands for clearing PnP (ESCD) Data matrix after BIOS reflashing. The information about PnP devices is stored in ESCD. The key /CP is an equivalent to Reset Configuration Data in PnP/PCI Configuration CMOS Setup. It makes sense to use /CP if you skip several versions of BIOS or if you have installed new PnP cards. If you don not update the ESCD, your board may suffer some startup problems.

/CD - stands for clearing DMI Data pool after reprogramming. Literally, DMI is a data base, containing all the information on the system as a whole. Clearing it may be fruitful in the above mentioned situations with /CP and /CC keys, as well as if some of the system components have been changed.

/SB - stands for no BootBlock reflashing. The BootBlock is the first unit to be addressed by startup and it is hardly ever changed. If the board manufacturer gives no other recommendations, there is no need to reflash BootBlock. In particular, if the BIOS reflashing fails, it may become impossible to restore the BIOS via software. On some mainboards there is a BootBlock Protection jumper. If protection is set, either you won't be able to reflash the BIOS without /SB at all or the system will face verification errors.
This setting has NOT been confirmed to work. It may or may not work on your motherboard. Use with caution. Thanks for the input Tmod.

/SD - stands for saving the data of DMI pool in a file. Part of DMI can be saved to be used by the software in future. Even though this key stands in the list, which is shown by /?, using it will bring no result. This key simply doesn't work.

/R - stands for the system reset after reflashing. It lets you have your computer restarted automatically as soon as you finish updating FlashROM. The option is useful for working through a *.bat-file.

/Tiny - stands for using less RAM. Without the /Tiny key, AwardFlash utility tries to put the entire BIOS file, which is intended for further reflashing, into RAM. Still, if have taken all the precautions but anyway you see a message saying "Insufficient Memory" during the BIOS reflashing procedure, then the key /Tiny should be used. It will make the data from the BIOS file loaded and reflashed in portions.

/E - stands for returning to DOS after BIOS reflashing. For instance, you may need it to make sure that the previous version of the BIOS is saved.

/F - stands for reprogramming by means of the system BIOS. Most contemporary BIOS's feature the procedure of FlashROM reprogramming. The key /F enables AwardFlash to reprogram FlashROM with the algorithms of the current BIOS version. If a mainboard peculiarities do not allow applying AwardFlash Writer algorithms, you should use the key /F.

/LD - stands for clearing CMOS after reflashing and not showing the message "Press F1 to continue or DEL to setup". Unlike /CC, this key lets you avoid this message by the following startup after clearing CMOS, provided you have set the properties by default.

/CKS - stands for showing the checksum of XXXXh file. The checksum is shown in hexadecimal representation. This option is advised to be used with the verification key.

/CKSxxxx - stands for comparing the checksum of the file with XXXXh. If the checksums are different, you'll see the message "The program file's part number does not match with your system!". As a rule, XXXXh for each BIOS update file is usually available on the mainboard manufacturer's site

/WB - Updates the BIOS Boot Block. This switch does not have to be used. The BIOS Boot Block will get updated with the flashing of the BIOS.
Thanks for the input Tmod

/CC = clear cmos data after programming

/CD = clear dmi data after programming

/CP = clear PnP (ESCD) data after programming

/R = reset system after programming

/PY = program flash memory

Here are some additional command line switches for the Award flashing program:

/? = show help menu

/SY = backup original BIOS to disk

/SB = skip bootblock programming

/TINY = occupy lesser memory

/E = return to DOS when programming is done

/F = use flash routines in original BIOS for flash programming

/LD = destroy cmos checksum and no system halt for first reboot after programming

/CKSxxxx = compare binfile checksum with xxxx

/CKS = show update binfile checksum

/PN = no flash programming

/SN = no original BIOS backup

/SD = save dmi data to file

/WB = flashes the BIOS Boot Block
Já bych použil

Kód: Vybrat vše

AWFL833D W7030NMS.150 /py/sn/wb/cc/cd/cp/f
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Registrován: 20. kvě 2004
Bydliště: Ostrava

Příspěvek od Neonn »

No jo. Je to K8N Neo nF3, A64 2800+,Corsair Value Select 400/512, Sapphire 9550, HDD Samsung 160...

Normalni flash nepomohl, i kdyz resetnu CMOS, je tam porad nastaven nasobic 5x. nTune ho sice prehodi na 4x ale jen do restartu :(.

Ja zatim flashoval jen jednou a to pres LiveUpdate :). Nejak jsem to nepotreboval. Az ted me sere ten nasobic HT.
Takze jdu zkusit default nastaveni. Pak jeste napisu...
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Registrován: 20. kvě 2004
Bydliště: Ostrava

Příspěvek od Neonn »

Super! TAk Load Fail-Safe Defaults pomohlo. Ale nechapu proc to pri tom meneni nasobice HT v BIOSU zamrzalo. Ale fakt moc diky. (zkusil jsem v nTune 230HT a jelo to v POHO takze to vypada dobre.

Takze jeste jednou dik :)

//EDIT: A zapomel jsem napsat, ze jsem se nejdriv podival na nTune a akazal HT804 takze jsem to jen tak zkusil na tech 230 a jelo to. Odpoledne se na to jeste mrknu poradne.
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Registrován: 08. úno 2005
Bydliště: Praha

Příspěvek od kail »

Shit píše:Co nový BIOS?
nepomohol ... treba este novsi ;) ... to je jedina nadej, ze 'borci' v MSI sa hecnu a opravia to
alanc píše:no uz som sa zlakol ze som v tom sam. u mna je konecna 222. ,pricom221 je uplna pohoda,ale akonahe dam fsb 222,nenabehne ani comp.,tiez som skusal clockgen a tam som sa dostal do pohody s 240 !!!to by ma fakt zaujmalo cim to je?
ono je to nejaka svojska seria novych Winchesterov ... oni su v podstate OK, len s MSI doskami s NF4 to proste robi toto ... v inych doskach OK, ine procaky v tychto doskach OK, dohromady to nefunguje

viac testov je v tom fore, co som postol vyssie ...
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Registrován: 20. kvě 2004
Bydliště: Ostrava

Příspěvek od Neonn »

Tak taktit uz konecne jde. Muzu si uz normalne v BIOSu volit nasobic HT ale jakmile resetnu CMOS tak musim zase nacist fail-safe hodoty. Ale aspon to jede jak ma.

Dostal jsem se na nejakych 245 a pameti stihaly :) (Corsair Value Select 400/512 CL2.5 za 2200Kc). Vic jsem se nedostal kvuli desky. Ale jinak mi jely na necelych 230 pri CL2 :). No ale ted dal. Zkusil jsem shodit dolu pameti, HT i nasobic CPU a max kdy najely win bylo 245. Ale max stable kdy Prime nehodi hned do 5 min chybu je 231 (to jsem testoval asi hodinu - nemel jsem vcera moc casu). Trochu malo. Je to deskou nebo v tom muze byt i neco jineho? Jinak CPU mi jede v idle pri asi 35-40 (ted 36 a to jedu na 2100MHz).

Davam sem pro jistotu jeste sestavu:
A64 2800+ s754
Corsair Value Select 400/512 CL2.5
Sapphire 9550 128/128
Samsung SpinPoint P 160GB SATA
... a pak sitovku v PCI + CD/DVDROM
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Registrován: 01. led 2005
Bydliště: UL

Příspěvek od Faramir »

Mam takovy dotaz trochu mimo misu, ale kdyz takhle taktujete na desce nForce4 chipsetem a mate v PC SATA disk, to nemate o ten HDD strach? Nebo jaky vliv ma zmena CPU FSB na SATA radic(postara se o to PCI lock?)? Napriklad ja mam K8N NEO3(mimo jine take se v BIOSu nedostanu pres 230Mhz CPUFSB (a to mi jde snizit HT)). Navic jeste v manualu k desce pisou, ze pri pretaktovani nedoporucujou pouzivat SATA disky. Nevite nekdo jak to teda je? Mam o svuj SATA disk docela strach :oops: :shock: :D

Zpět na „Socket 754, 939 a 940“